To experience the most content that Summertime Saga has to offer, check out the 'Stable' version. To experience updated HD 16:9 art and an optimized engine, try the latest 'Preview' build instead!
You've selected the stable legacy version. To go back to the comparison page or to download the new preview build of the ongoing Tech Update instead, please click here.
Download 0.20.16
Use any of the mirrors below to download the latest version of Summertime Saga. Builds are available for Windows/Linux, macOS and Android. iOS builds are not possible due to Apple's publishing restrictions.
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You've selected the latest preview build of the ongoing Tech Update. To go back to the comparison page or to download the older stable version instead, please click here.
Download v21.0.0-wip.5605
Use any of the mirrors below to download the latest version of Summertime Saga. Builds are available for Windows/Linux, macOS and Android. iOS builds are not possible due to Apple's publishing restrictions.
Did you know? Patrons have access to a network of high speed private download servers, click here to download. If you're not already a patron, why not consider pledging and contributing to development?
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